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XenForo Questions & Answers:

What is XenForo?

XenForo is a new commercial forum software package that will be released soon (end of Summer 2010).[1] It will be priced competitively in relation to vBulletin and IPB.[2]

XenForo 1.0 Beta 1 will be released in the first week of October, 2010. It will be priced at $140 USD with an initial 24 hour sale during which it can be purchased for $100.[3]

Can you upload multiple attachments at the same time?

XenForo currently supports uploading only one attachment at a time, however this is done without a page load, allowing you to easily upload more than one file. A more sophisticated upload method is planned for the future.

Will there be a branding-free option?

There will almost certainly be a branding-free option/license, but it will come at a significant premium, since the branding is directly related to potential sales of the product.

Is there an infraction system in XenForo?

There is no infraction/discipline system at this time.

Will XenForo support threaded mode?

XenForo will probably not support threaded mode in the near future, if ever.

Where can I get more information about XenForo?

The best (and official) places to get information about XenForo are:

Will the XenForo version number be displayed on the front end?

Whether for security reasons, obscurity reasons, or simply for simplicity, :D some people would rather the version number not be displayed on the front end. In XenForo, it will not be.

Who is on the XenForo team?

Kier Darby and Mike Sullivan are the XenForo developers. Ashley Busby is the business manager. Peggy Gurney and Lawrence Kazimer are moderators on the XenForo forums.

What is the small avatar called that is overlaid on threads I've posted in?

It is officially called the Mini Me. :)

Why are sub-forums displayed in a pull down menu?

Sub-forums are in a pull down menu instead of being given space on the main forum page to keep the page cleaner and to give them less weight than main forums, since they are sub-forums and not primary (main) forums.

What is the font face used in posts and why was it chosen?

The font is 11pt Georgia and was chosen for its readability.

Will XenForo support custom bbcodes?

XenForo does not currently support custom bbcodes, but there is a chance they will be supported in the future.

What are the system requirements for XenForo?

XenForo requires MySQL 5.0 or higher and PHP 5.2.4 or higher. Opcode caching, such as APC is strongly recommended. XenForo currently runs on MySQL only. It is unknown if other RDBMS would be supported in the future.

Can you customize the URL pattern/format?

Currently there is no interface to customize the structure of XenForo URLs, however it would be possible to customize them via file edits.

Why was the current URL format chosen?

The current thread URL structure is: /threads/the-thread-title.123/. This was chosen for its readability. The title comes first and the thread ID is separated from the title with a dot, which is analogous to file extensions. The dot was also chosen for technical reasons.

What importers will be available?

At the very least, there will be an importer from vBulletin 3.x series to XenForo. Other importers will follow, first for other vBulletin versions (vB4), and later for other software (IPB 3 likely to come first). After importing, members will not have to reset their passwords. A mapping of old to new IDs is kept, allowing old data to be accessed after the import.

Is a XenForo CMS in the works?

Currently the focus is on the core platform and forum product. A content management system is an obvious expansion point and will probably be considered in the future. There is no timeframe for when a CMS or other addons might be developed.

Why are avatars so prominent?

In XenForo, avatars are the primary way of identifying members, thus they are given a very prominent display and are used through many areas of the forum software.

Will XenForo have social groups?

Possibly in the future, since they offer a lot of potential, especially when tied into other XenForo features.

Will XenForo work with HipHop?

XenForo will probably/possibly work with HipHop without too many problems. An alpha build was tested in HipHop without any visible problems.

Will XenForo have instant thread previews?

XenForo currently does not have thread previews when mousing over the thread title in the list of threads. Adding the previews would not be overly complex, but would add some overhead. A decision has not been made on this.[1] Update: When hovering over a thread title, a preview of the first post now pops up after a short delay.[2]

What type of rewrite rules does XenForo use for URLs?

A very simple set of rules that basically sends everything that's not a file or directory to XenForo, and the script figures out what to do with it. You can also run XenForo without rewrite rules.

What type of server does run on? runs on a modest server (quad core Xeon with 4GB RAM a single SCSI disk) that hosts additional sites, including and

Are any XenForo conferences or gatherings planned?

Not yet, but nothing has been ruled out. A gathering around Christmas may be a possibility.

Does XenForo offer image/video/media gallery functionality?

Gallery functionality is not currently offered, but it has not been ruled out as a possible future area to expand into.

What does the name "XenForo" mean and why was it chosen?

It was the best of the options they came up with.

Will there be lightbox functionality to display images?

There are plans to implement lightbox functionality, but a timeline has not been committed to.

Does XenForo use eval()?

XenForo currently still uses eval() for templates, which are compiled down to PHP. Storing templates in the filesystem and avoiding eval() completely will probably be supported in the future.[1][2]

What does the XenForo plugin/hook/addon/modification system look like?

The hook system does not use eval. Instead there are code event listeners which will load a class and run a method that you specify. All plugins (technically event listeners) are stored in the filesystem.[1][2]

Will XenForo support member profile customization?

XenForo 1.0 will probably not support profile customization, but a later version probably will.[1]

Does XenForo support Unicode / utf-8?

Yes, XenForo natively supports Unicode.[1]

Capitalization/How to write XenForo

It is officially written as XenForo, with an upper-case X and F. However, for aesthetic considerations, the logo has a lower-case X.[1] The abbreviation is "XF".[2]

Does XenForo use any third-party libraries, frameworks, or components?

Yes. XenForo makes use of several components from the Zend Framework library in the PHP code.[1] It also incorporates the jQuery Javascript library[2] and a few jQuery plugins. XenForo uses the TinyMCE rich text editor for creating and formatting content.

Will XenForo support RTL (right to left text direction) languages?

Probably, but this is not necessarily supported at this time.[1]

May I use the name XenForo in my domain or site name?

You should not use the word "XenForo" as part of a domain name or site name, since it is a trademark of XenForo Ltd.[1] However, the use of Xen- and XF- as prefixes (, should be fine.[2]

How does the XenForo Trophy system work?

XenForo Trophies are awarded to users when the given trophy criteria are met. Criteria include the user's number of posts, number of likes received, number of trophy points, and number of days registered. The trophy point value and a user title (shown under the avatar) can be associated with each trophy.[1] Default trophies can be edited and new trophies defined.[2] More trophy criteria are planned.[3] The ability to manually award trophies is also being considered.[4]

Why does XenForo use jQuery as its Javascript library?

jQuery was chosen after evaluating several modern Javascript libraries/frameworks, such as Mootools, jQuery, YUI 3, Scriptaculous/Prototype.[1]

Does XenForo have debug mode?

Debug mode is available by enabling it in the configuration file. It should never be used in a production environment, since it will cause some performance overhead and allows you to see potentially sensitive information.[1]

Will XenForo support replacing thread links with the thread title?

It is a possibility, but has not been added yet.[1]

Is there a list of colors used in the default XenForo style?

The majority of the colors used in XenForo are posted here.

Is there a paid subscriptions/cart system in XenForo?

Yes. There is a simple paid subscription system that handles one-time and recurring payments, and gives the user an additional user group when active/paid. It is currently implemented via Paypal only.[1]

Will XenForo have Twitter integration?

Some degree of Twitter integration is planned for XenForo, including automatically sending your XenForo status updates to Twitter.[1]

What features does the style system support?

The XenForo style system supports importing and exporting styles,[1] fully customizing styles through style properties,[2][3] and full style inheritance.[4]
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